Elekta is a world-leading provider of cancer management solutions, including image guided radiation therapy, stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery and advanced software systems. In all our interactions with customers, business partners, employees and the public, Elekta strives to be a good corporate citizen.

For Elekta, good corporate citizenship means that we create and maintain value for our customers by providing safe and efficient solutions for enhanced cancer care. It means that our relationships with employees and partners are based on responsible business conduct built on trust. Being a good corporate citizen also means that we strive to continuously reduce our environmental impact, in our proprietary operations and during the lifecycle of our products.

Elekta’s aim is to continue to develop our dialog with stakeholders in a respectful manner. Our ability to operate a responsible business is directly related to creating a strong, reputable brand that supports a long-term sustainable market presence and growth.

Elekta’sMission, Vision and Values, along with theCode of Conduct, are the cornerstones on which Elekta builds a sustainable and responsible company.

Additional information:

Code of Conduct

What is the Elekta Code of Conduct?

This Code of Conduct sets out the standards and professional conduct that we use at Elekta to guide our interactions, every day, with each other, our customers and our business partners. It demonstrates our unwavering commitment to integrity in everything we do.

The Code of Conduct guides the behavior and practices of our employees and assigns across three broad areas: selling our products and services, protecting our funds and assets, and working with each other.

What follows below is a general summary of the Code of Conduct. The full document can be accessed by clicking on the following links:

“Acting in accordance with the ethical values of our Code of Conduct is the only way to secure Elekta’s success, sustainability and resilience.”

Laurent Leksell, Founder & Chairman

Elekta Limited Corporate Tax Strategy

Elekta Competition Compliance Policy

Elekta Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Elekta Gender Pay Gap Statement

Elekta Anti-Corruption Policy

Elekta's Carbon Emission Report

Elekta Supplier Code of Conduct

This is how we do it

Selling our products and services

In all transactions dealing with the sale of our solutions and services, Elekta employees are dedicated to ensuring compliance with laws and regulations and strive to work closely with regulating bodies. Our fundamental responsibility it to provide safe and effective products for customers and patients.

Similarly, because our business dealings are heavily regulated by laws, breaking these laws can result not only in serious fines, but also in criminal penalties for the company and us as individuals. Everyone working for or on behalf of Elekta must follow all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to interactions with government officials and health care professionals. Unethical behavior is not tolerated.

In our interactions with health care providers, we strive to build long-term relationships with our customers. It is critical to our success. To achieve this, we establish Elekta as a trusted partner who can always be relied on to act openly and honestly.

The Code of Conduct dictates that we respect competition and antitrust laws, which govern the way we behave in the marketplace. These laws ensure a true and free competition with our competitors, on an equal footing with no unfair advantages. Similarly, we honor all import and export trade requirements when transferring our products, services and technology across borders.

Protecting our funds and assets

In matters in which there may be a conflict of interest, all Elekta employees are expected to make decisions and financial commitments that advance only the goals and objectives of the company, and not their personal interests.

Elekta’s assets cover a range of property, including information and computers, telephones, software, product plans, strategy documents and similar items. Because these items are critical to the success of our company, Elekta employees need to manage and protect them to safeguard our business and reputation.

To maintain our shareholders’ trust and fulfill our accountability with the financial market, we must record all transactions promptly, accurately, completely and honestly in accordance with applicable internal and external financial and accounting principles, standards and regulations. Financial integrity is critical.

Employees, directors and officers that have regular access to non-public information (i.e., “Insiders”) have additional obligations and must keep themselves informed and actively seek guidance from the General Counsel before any trading in Elekta shares.

To contribute to sustainable development, Elekta and its employees strive to act in an ethical social and environmentally responsible manner at all times, in combination with maintaining sound financial results and good governance. We set high standards on our suppliers, engage in philanthropic initiatives and work to reduce our environmental impact.

Working together

Our employees are Elekta’s most valuable resource. Accordingly, it is our responsibility to ensure that we provide a sustainable working environment with fair terms and conditions for everyone working for us. We support human rights, work against discrimination and harassment, strive for workplace diversity, embrace fair employment and remuneration and honor each employee’s freedom of association.

Elekta致力于创建和维护一个safe working environment at all sites and preventing workplace accidents and injuries. We must ensure the health, safety and welfare of all of our employees. In addition, we are dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of any personal information to which we gain access in the course of business.