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本网站可能包括前瞻性陈述,涉及风险和不确定性,包括医学领域的技术进步,产品需求和市场验收,经济条件的影响,竞争产品和定价,外币汇率和其他风险的影响,外汇汇率和其他风险在公司的申请中详述了OM / Stockholm证券交易所。这些前瞻性陈述是截至出版日期的。所有这些前瞻性陈述都基于公司管理层所提出的估计和假设,并且被认为是合理的,但本质上是不确定的并且难以预测。实际结果或经验可能与前瞻性陈述有所不同。
Integrated with MOSAIQ radiation oncology is the MOSAIQ image-enabled electronic medical record (EMR), which supports the entire cancer care team by uniting diverse systems and devices. The ‘Integrating the Healthcare Environment for Radiation Oncology’ (IHE-RO) initiative seeks to improve the practice of radiation oncology through a standardized exchange of information. Working through the IHE-RO, Elekta Software leads the way in promoting open systems standards, leveling the interoperability playing field and affording vendors greater latitude to focus on maximizing efficiency and achieving high patient throughput.
Elekta Software stands side-by-side with you to ensure that you maintain an even higher level of quality care after the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) unfolds and makes its mark on the healthcare world. Elekta Software’s HIPAA Implementation Team is busy keeping pace with developments by analyzing released and proposed regulations and guidance, attending and contributing to user/industry meetings, and reviewing relevant publications.
ISO, EN, and CE Markings, United States: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) information, FDA Pre-Market Notification information, European Community: CE Marking (MDD) information, Canada: Health Canada information, Australia: Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) information, Elekta Software Regulatory Affairs Contact.