如果您对Elekta的职业感兴趣,并且希望看到当前的开口,或提交简历,请访问我们的Career Portal.

如果您是媒体的成员on deadline,请访问我们的媒体资源中心

你可能还有其他问题,请use one of the forms below. An asterisk (*) indicates a required entry. Typical response time is 3-5 business days, depending on the nature of the question. Please note that we do not respond to form letters or e-mail campaigns.

通过在此电子邮件中提交您的信息,您同意我们的隐私声明will govern such information. Because e-mail sent to and from this site may not be secure, you should pay close attention to what information you send via e-mail to us.


P.O. Box 7593
Kungstensgatan 18.
SE-103 93 Stockholm

Quick Contact

Careers at Elekta





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寄存器/log in to Elekta Care Community, where you will find

  • 24/7 self service access
  • View and log your support cases
  • 确认字段更改订单
  • 访问产品库
  • 查看教育和培训课程

找到您当地的电话号码,联系Elekta Care Suppor支持并与Elekta支持代表交谈

Note for patients


As a manufacturer of radiation therapy and neurologic disease related equipment, however, we are unable to provide you with specific medical advice regarding your health conditions.

Your physicians and care givers are the most knowledgeable resources for your particular disease, and are the most qualified to answer your questions.

Nevertheless, there are a number of high-quality online resources that you may find useful. Among them, the American Cancer Society (ACS.)和美国国家癌症研究所(188棋牌捕鱼NCI.)拥有多语种信息资源,并在全球范围内提供。

致力于癌症治疗的专业组织也有可能有用的资源。188棋牌捕鱼这些包括美国辐射肿瘤学会(astro.) the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO),欧洲治疗辐射肿瘤学会(es.TRO),美国近距表社会(188滚球平台ABS)美国神经外科医生协会(AANS),神经外科医生大会(CNS.),Groupeeuropéendecuriethérapie(GEC-ESTRO)和AsociaciónAttinoamericanade Terapia adianteoncológica(alatro)。


Elekta Offices