What is Gamma Knife® surgery?


Leksell GammaKnife®是传统脑外脑部手术和全脑放射治疗的替代方案,用于治疗复杂,难以脑的疾病。世界各地的领先中心选择GammaKnife®以获得其准确性和记录的结果。

GammaKnife®是一种非侵入性的立体定向放射外科仪器,涉及手术刀或切口 - 它根本不是刀。相反,Gamma刀具最多使用192个精确聚焦的辐射,以控制恶性和非开始肿瘤,以及大脑中的血管和功能性疾病,而不会伤害周围的健康组织。

Patients are in and out of the hospital in a day’s time – and back to their normal routines soon after treatment. Gamma Knife® radiosurgery may be used in place of or in addition to traditional surgery or whole brain radiation, depending on the patient’s diagnosis.


大多数人永远不会面对脑外脑部或全脑放射治疗的需要。但对于那些做的人来说,知道有一个非侵入性的高精度治疗 - 伽马刀具 - 可以使用或除了传统的手术或整个辐射之外,这是令人放心的。

Frequently Asked Questions


Gamma Knife is not a knife, but rather a sophisticated system that can be used to replace brain surgery or whole brain radiation in some situations. It uses a single, high dose of gamma radiation delivered via up to 192 individual beams which intersect at a single spot with the accuracy of less than one-tenth of a millimeter (about the thickness of a sheet of paper).




Gamma Knife®can be used to treat an array of neurological disorders including brain metastases, arteriovenous malformations, facial nerve pain (trigeminal neuralgia), meningiomas, acoustic neuromas, gliomas and pituitary tumors.

Contact your health professional to find out if Gamma Knife® radiosurgery is the right choice for you.


在治疗当天,患者被给予光镇静。接下来,使用局部麻醉将头部框架固定到患者的头部。帧与成像过程结合使用以准确定位目标。通过框架到位,患者经历MRI或CT扫描,或者在动静脉畸形(AVM),血管造影的情况下,为了定位待治疗的脑中的病变。使用成像程序,处理团队可以定义患者头部内部的病变的位置/。虽然患者休息,治疗团队(通常由神经外科医生,放射肿瘤学家和物理学家组成)使用计算机设计治疗计划。这需要30到90分钟才能完成,具体取决于目标的几何和位置。当个体治疗计划完成后,患者位于伽马刀沙发上,使其头部精确定位用于治疗。然后将患者自动移动,进入机器,并开始治疗。治疗通常持续20分钟至2小时,在此期间患者没有任何感觉。 At the completion of the treatment, the patient is automatically moved out of the machine, and the head frame is removed. The patient usually goes home at this point, but may remain in the hospital overnight for observation on occasion.

How many sessions is Gamma Knife® radiosurgery?

Gamma Knife® is typically completed in a single-day with patients arriving in the morning and able to return home later in the day. Occasionally, physicians may choose to deliver the treatment over a few days.


The Gamma Knife®is not an experimental form of treatment. It is a highly effective method of treating brain tumors and neurological and functional disorders and its use is supported by two decades of clinical research published in the mainstream medical literature.



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What studies have been done or are being done to show its effectiveness?

The number of peer-reviewed, published scientific articles documenting patient outcomes with Gamma Knife® far outweighs any other form of stereotactic radiosurgery. Gamma Knife® centers and universities have published more than 2,500 papers and have treated more than 1 million patients worldwide during the last 50 years. The fact that 75% of all published radiosurgical literature including most of the multicenter trials is based on the use of the Gamma Knife® is especially significant given that both Gamma Knife® and Linac systems were introduced in the same era.

How many patients have received Gamma Knife® treatment?

超过100万名患者已经用Leksell Gamma刀治疗®and about 80,000 patients are treated every year.


There might be mild pain from administration of the local anesthetic used during placement of the head frame (similar to the sensation of having blood drawn). Patients have reported that they feel a pressure sensation when the frame is applied, but not pain.

What can a patient expect after Gamma Knife® treatment?

After the treatment session is finished, the head frame is removed. Sometimes there is a little bleeding from where the pins contact the patient’s head. Pressure is applied to stop the bleeding and Bandaids may be used to keep the pin sites clean. It is usually recommended that the patient refrain from physical activity over the next 18 to 24 hours.

How quickly will the Gamma Knife® treatment work?

The effects of Gamma Knife radiosurgery occur over a period of time that can range from several weeks to several years, depending on the condition being treated.



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