Metriq®.data management system coordinates your entire cancer registry process and meets all the standards required to meet various agencies compliance and accreditation. METRIQ has an option for hosting in 24/7 secure environment taking care of all your maintenance, upgrades and technical challenges.
Simple navigation, intuitive screen displays and helpful keyboard shortcuts speed up the abstracting process
我TRIQ can be configured to import data from MOSAIQ® through MOSAIQ® Connect and from other top EHR sources. Import as often as needed through open source importing file configuration
Routine updates ensure that METRIQ satisfies current regulatory reporting and accreditation requirements
Multiple quality checks incorporate the edit metafiles for on-demand and sequential edits processing. This helps guarantee data records meet applicable regional, national and international quality standards.
我TRIQ provides simple tools used for case reporting for state, provincial, national and international required submissions. Create CP3R reports to perform quality checks before NCDB submission as well as Rapid Quality Reporting System (RQRS).
报告管理器提供全面的报告和分析,使用简单和高级过滤选项提供超过150个预定义报告。多功能,简单和用户友好的ad-hoc报告编写器(查询Wizard™和Data View)提供了选择适当的工具来分析数据的灵活性。