Elektatemplate helps Morocco clinic boost prostate brachytherapy success
Because a potent, targeted post-EBRT boost of high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy has been shown to result in...

Washington state center harnesses C-RAD technology to enhance patient setup and motion monitoring
Washington’s Seattle Cancer Care Alliance An effort spearheaded by physicists at Seattle’s Washington’s Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA)...
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- How Elekta’s Thiago Ramos overcame cancer
- Functional imaging on MR-Linac provides insight on brain tumors
- Amid Covid-19, Gamma Knife radiosurgery center finds a way
- MidMichigan Health’s Sara Morel is Elekta’s 2020 Registrar of the Year

MR guidance and hypofractionated RT for prostate cancer a good match
Clinicians at the Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Clinical Cancer Center at Froedtert Hospital and the...

Busy Elekta Unity MR-Linac clinical users pile up clinical evidence during pandemic
By Marco Luzzara, MSc, Senior Director of Medical Affairs and Clinical Research, Elekta Marco Luzzara, MSc, Senior Director...

Pandemic impact minimized with Elekta’s digitalized service platforms
The steps that Elekta took several years ago to digitalize its service and parts offerings have paid off...