
What is radiation therapy?


How does radiation therapy work?


Who will be looking after me?

A specialist cancer doctor is known as a radiotherapist or radiation oncologist. In this guide we will refer to him/her as an radiation oncologist. The radiation oncologist will plan and oversee your treatment, which will be carried out by radiation therapists. In addition, the team looking after you may include nurses, health care assistants, specialist nurses, counsellors and dietitians, according to your needs during your treatment.

How is the treatment planned?



If you are having radiation therapy to your mouth and/or throat you will need a dental assessment at this stage as you may require some dental treatment before you start your radiation therapy.

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How a Linear Accelerator Works


If you are able to travel to the hospital for treatment there is usually no need for you to be admitted during the course. Most people are treated as outpatients, but your radiation oncologist will tell you if it would be better for you to be admitted.



Are there particular things I should or should not do during my course of treatment?

As far as possible throughout your treatment, try to lead a normal life - try to think of the radiation therapy as an interruption to your daily routine rather than as the most important part of your day. However, the following tips might help:

How is radiation therapy given?

Radiation therapy is given using either a machine called a linear accelerator or, for some skin tumors, a superficial x-ray unit. To receive the radiation therapy, you will lie on a couch under the machine, and be asked to remain still during the actual treatment.

Will the radiation therapy hurt?

No. The treatment is completely painless. Radiation cannot be seen or felt while it is being given.

Will the treatment make me radioactive?

No. There is no possibility of this whatsoever.






  • 在治疗期间每天喝大量的液体,如茶、咖啡、牛奶、果汁、水或汽水(最好是无糖的)。
  • Eat regularly and try to keep a balanced diet. If you don’t feel like big meals, try eating little and often. The dietitian can help to plan a diet for you if necessary.
  • 在治疗过程中,使用简单的肥皂或婴儿肥皂像平常一样清洗、淋浴或洗澡,小心地拍干治疗部位,而不是摩擦。


  • Drink spirits, eat spicy food or very hot or very cold food if you are having treatment to your mouth, neck or chest, but ask the radiographers if you would like more information.
  • 在放射治疗过程中,将治疗部位暴露在阳光下,因为治疗部位更容易烧伤,需要一些时间才能愈合。今后最好总是涂防晒霜以避免晒伤。
  • Put creams or deodorants on the treated area as these may worsen your skin reaction.


Radiation therapy is a localized treatment, which means that any side effects will depend on the part of the body being treated. Although many people have few, if any, side effects, everyone reacts differently and during your treatment you may experience one or more of the following:

  • Sickness:Depending on the part of your body being treated you may feel nauseous or be sick during your course of treatment. This does not happen to everyone. If you do feel sick, please tell your radiation therapist or nurse as it can be controlled by tablets or diet.
  • Diarrhea:同样,根据您的身体的部分治疗,您可能会遇到一些腹泻。请告诉您的辐射治疗师或护士如果您可能需要腹泻缓解药物。营养师也会很高兴地建议您并在必要时帮助您使用饮食计划。
  • 排尿频率:If you are having treatment to your lower abdomen/pelvis you may find that you pass urine more often and may experience discomfort when doing so. Drinking extra fluids will help, but try to avoid alcohol, tea and coffee as these can irritate your bladder. If this happens to you please tell the staff treating you, so that your urine can be tested for any infection,which could then be treated with appropriate medication.
  • Sore mouth and throat: This only happens if you are having treatment to this part of your body. If it is likely to be a problem your radiation therapist or nurse will explain how to look after your mouth and throat, or give you advice on chewing and swallowing difficulties. This only happens if you are having treatment to this area. If it is likely to be a problem, your radiation therapist or nurse will explain to you how to look after your mouth and throat during treatment.
  • Hair loss: Hair loss only occurs where treatment is given. For example you will only lose the hair on your head if your head is being treated, and if your chest is being treated, then you will only lose your chest hair. Whether or not it grows again will depend on how much radiation you have been given. Your oncologist will explain what this means for you. If your hair is expected to grow again, this should happen within a few months of the end of your treatment.

Can I carry on working?

If you feel you wish to carry on working, as long as your radiation oncologist reason why you should not continue with your normal daily course of treatment. However do ask if you need advice.

What will happen when the treatment is finished?



After your treatment, you will be seen again at the hospital you first attended or be referred back to your family doctor. The first follow-up is often about 4 to 6 weeks after the course has finished, and this appointment will be discussed with you before you finish at the treatment center. However, follow-up arrangements can vary from person to person and from centre to centre. Your radiation oncologist will explain to you how and where your follow-up appointments will be arranged.

Can radiation therapy cause permanent damage?

Radiation therapy treatment is planned and delivered with the utmost care, but sometimes sensitive parts of the body are damaged. This is because to treat the cancer effectively, it is sometimes necessary to use high doses of radiation, close to the limits that normal tissues can withstand. The bowel, bladder and nervous system are particularly sensitive, but other parts of the body can suffer long term changes.

If you are having radiation therapy aimed at killing your cancer cells, there is about a 5% possibility of side-effects which may seriously affect your lifestyle. However, it is important to balance this against the much higher potential risks to your life, from the cancer getting worse or recurring without the treatment. On the other hand, if you are having radiation therapy to shrink the tumour and/or relieve symptoms, then the much lower doses of radiation used are unlikely to cause any permanent damage.

If the radiation therapy treatment includes the gonads (ovaries in women, testicles in men) this will affect fertility and hormone function. It is important to discuss this with your oncologist before treatment begins.




  • 1410万:全球诊断的新癌症病例数量。188棋牌捕鱼超过一半的这一半 - 800万 - 在经济发展中国家发生。

  • 1,676,600:2012年全世界妇女新乳腺癌病例的估计数量。乳腺癌是发达国家和发展中国188棋牌捕鱼家妇女中最常见的癌症。

  • 58%:经济发达国家所有新诊断的癌症的百分比在65岁及以上的人中发生的国家。188棋牌捕鱼发展中国家的这个数字是40%。报告指出了这一点“差异主要是由于人口的年龄结构的变化。”

  • 163,300:The estimated number of new cancer cases diagnosed among children aged 0 to 14 worldwide in 2012. About 80,000 children worldwide died from cancer in 2012.“Mortality rates are lowest in developed countries, despite higher incidence rates, because of the availability of high-quality diagnosis and treatment,”the report states.

  • 8.2 million:The number of cancer deaths in 2012 worldwide.

  • 1,241,600:新的肺癌病例amon的估计数字188棋牌捕鱼g men worldwide in 2012. Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer among men globally. When looking just at developed countries, though, prostate cancer is the most common among men.

*Global Cancer Facts & Figures, 3rd Edition - American Cancer Society