Elekta和Equicare Health建立经销商协议,以提高癌症患者的参与,护理和管理188棋牌捕鱼


亚特兰大美国 - 2018年2月1日星期四
Elekta(Ekta -b.st)今天宣布已纳入经销商协议Equicare Health, a leader in developing chronic care models for cancer survivorship that improve patient outcomes and maximize cancer centers’ operational efficiencies. Under the terms of the agreement, Elekta will now offer EQUICARE CS™ and Equicare’s Active Patient Portal to current and future users of Elekta’s MOSAIQ® Oncology Electronic Health Record (EHR). EQUICARE CS and the Active Patient Portal complement MOSAIQ, facilitating communication between patients and clinicians with no geographic restrictions. Patients can receive updates on their care plans, provide feedback and patient reported outcomes through the platform. Clinical information is integrated into MOSAIQ directly from EQUICARE CS.
Mosaiq.is a leading open system that also provides actionable analytics to support improvements in the quality and cost of care. MOSAIQ is designed for interoperability with a broad array of digital health solutions to drive the open exchange of information and promote an all-inclusive workflow empowering patient care providers.
“我们客户群的不断发展的需求要求我们思考超出个人软件解决方案可以提供的,”Equicare销售销售销售副总裁Margaret Nash表示。“Equicare的产品提供了一种独特而急需的解决方案,以有效地管理和沟通癌症患者。188棋牌捕鱼188棋牌捕鱼使用我们的数字解决方案在MOSAIQ全面EHR的上下文中的癌症中心现在将有一个强大的系统,用于将这些患者的相互作用连接到治疗管理过程。这允许整个护理团队记录和审查患者的完整历史,早在患者的第一次筛选访问并超越待遇的最后一天,在优化肿瘤学资源的使用时改善患者结果。“
Equicare CS用于协调癌症护理,管理患者导航并促进基于医学研188棋牌捕鱼究所和美国临床肿瘤学会的建议的生存计划的创造。患者导航和生存计划都需要癌症护理中心,以获得癌症委员会的认可。188棋牌捕鱼活跃的患者门户允许接受癌症治疗的患者访问最新的医疗信息,留在预定的预约,实验室结果和医疗说明之上,以及使用188棋牌捕鱼护理团队成员发送/接收安全消息。它还通过在问卷中收集的有价值的数据汇总有助于衡量整个患者人群的长期临床结果,提供对患者群体的洞察力。
“Elekta is committed to ensuring that our digital solutions interface seamlessly with systems and applications across the evolving healthcare ecosystem that share our goal of advancing patient care,” said Andrew Wilson, Vice President of Global Marketing for Software Solutions at Elekta. “We believe that the combination of MOSAIQ and Equicare’s offerings gives users unparalleled resources for effectively managing the entire oncology care continuum and improving survival and quality of life for cancer survivors.”



Elekta is proud to be the leading innovator of equipment and software used to improve, prolong and save the lives of people with cancer and brain disorders. Our advanced, effective solutions are created in collaboration with customers, and more than 6,000 hospitals worldwide rely on Elekta technology. Our treatment solutions and oncology informatics portfolios are designed to enhance the delivery of radiation therapy, radiosurgery and brachytherapy, and to drive cost efficiency in clinical workflows. Elekta employs 3,600 people around the world. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Elekta is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm. www.neump.com

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Gert van Santen, Group Vice President Corporate Communications, Elekta AB
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