
2020年8月26日斯德哥尔摩 - Elekta AB(公开)于2020年8月26日举行了其年度股东大会。根据Covid-19作为Covid-19的特殊情况,会议由预先邮政投票进行,没有实际出席。代理总统兼首席执行官介绍了过去一年的介绍,并在公司的网站www.neump.com上提供股东的问题。

A summary of the resolutions taken by the Meeting follows. For complete details concerning all resolutions, please see the Meeting documents that are available on the Company’s website, www.neump.com.

The Parent Company’s and Group’s income statements and balance sheets were adopted. The Directors and the President and CEO were discharged from liability for the financial year of 2019/20.

The Meeting resolved to allocate this year’s earnings, meaning a dividend to the shareholders corresponding to SEK 0.90 per share and that the remaining profits are carried forward. The record date was set to Friday 28 August 2020. The dividend is expected to be paid out on Wednesday 2 September 2020.

Board of Directors and committees
会议解决了董事人数应为七名没有代表。Laurent Leksell,Caroline Leksell Cooke,Johan Malmitmist,Wolfgang Reim,Jan Secher,BirgittaStymneGöransson和CeciliaWikström被重新选举为董事。Laurent Leksell被重新选举为董事会主席。

会议决定,该报酬董事会在以下方面应是不变的前一年,这意味着董事会主席应接受SEK 1280000,会议选出每个普通董事应接受SEK 550,000主席审计和可持续发展委员会应收到SEK 115,000,审计委员会主席应收到SEK 80,000,审计委员会应收到SEK 240,000及审计委员会的任何其他成员,应收到审计委员会的任何其他成员。解决了委员会工作的薪酬或赔偿,应向本公司雇用的董事支付。

he registered auditing firm Ernst & Young AB, with the authorized auditor Rickard Andersson, was re-elected as the Company’s auditor for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. It was resolved that the fee to the auditor shall be paid according to the approved invoice.

Guidelines for salary and other remuneration to executive management
he Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal regarding guidelines for salary and other remuneration to executive management.

Performance Share Plan 2020
The Meeting resolved on the establishment of the Performance Share Plan 2020, and on the transfer of own shares due to the Performance Share Program 2020.

该计划包括总统兼首席执行官,执行管理层和提名的主要贡献者,所有大约30名雇员,所有约有30名雇员,他们将在三年绩效期到期后埃里卡在elekta赛期间享有股票的股份,并提供本集团继续持续就业,直至业绩年底2022/2023。可以分配的最大股份数取决于一个绩效目标的实现程度,Elekta的总股东返回(“TSR”)相对于OMXS30指数在三年期间。对于绩效份额计划2020,最低性能要求是ELEKTA TSR以至少+0.1%的索引表达OMXS30索引。最大性能级别要求Elekta TSR在+15%以上或高于+15%的OMXS30指数。绩效目标应在影响公司未偿还股份数量的事件的发生时进行调整,或影响ELEKTA集团业务的不可预见的物质事件,或影响绩效目标并被董事会视为相关。如果会计原则变更或该公司决定重组成本,董事会可决定绩效份额2020年绩效目标的变更。

假设在绩效份额计划2020下的最大分配和SEK 87的股价,最多901,164股B系列需要履行计划下的承诺(包括社会保障费用),相当于总数的约0.23%优秀股份数量。根据上述假设,估计在约78,401,626席克斯78,401,626中估计了成本,包括社会保障成本和回购自己的股份的融资成本。

会议授权董事会,大调的ing the period until the next Annual General Meeting to decide, on one or more occasions, on the acquisition of a total number of own shares of series B so that, after the purchase, the Company holds not more than ten percent of the total number of shares in the Company. Furthermore, the Meeting authorized the Board of Directors, during the period until the next Annual General Meeting to decide, on one or more occasions, on the transfer of own shares of series B in conjunction with the financing of company acquisitions and other types of strategic investments and acquisitions, and not exceeding the maximum number of treasury shares held by the Company at any given time.

In view of the Performance Share Plan 2020, the Meeting resolved that not more than 1,000,000 shares of series B can be transferred with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, and to authorize the Board of Directors, during the period until the next Annual General Meeting to decide, on one or more occasions, on the transfer of not more than 485,830 own shares of series B on Nasdaq Stockholm to cover certain expenditures, mainly social security contributions.

The Meeting resolved on an instruction for the appointment of the Nomination Committee.

Amendment of the Articles of Association
The Meeting resolved to amend item 8 in the Articles of Association by removing information regarding record date as an adaptation to an upcoming legislative change. Moreover, the Meeting resolved to insert a new item regarding collection of powers of attorneys and postal voting, and on a few non-material amendments attributable to formalities.


For further information, please contact:
Cecilia Ketels, Head of Investor Relations
电话:+46 76 611 76 25,e-mail:cecilia.ketces@elekta.com.

该信息于2020年8月26日在15:00 CET提交出版物。(Regmar)

About Elekta
近五十年来,Elekta一直是精密放射药的领导者。我们全球4,000多名员工致力于确保癌症的世界各地的每个人都可以访问 - 以及更精确的个性化放射治疗治疗。188棋牌捕鱼Elekta总部位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,在纳斯达克斯德哥尔摩交易所上市。访问elekta.com或在Twitter上关注@elekta。



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For further information, please contact

Cecilia Ketels, Head of Investor Relations
电话:+46 76 611 76 25,

该信息于8月26日在15:00 CET提交出版物,2020年。(Regmar)