印度的许可协议使Elekta Unity能够进行晚期癌症治疗188棋牌捕鱼

GURGAON, India, August 26, 2020 – Elekta (EKTA-B.ST) announced today that it has entered a service agreement with Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd (HCG), India’s largest provider of cancer care. According to the agreement, Elekta will install multiple Versa HD™ and Elekta Synergy®线性加速器(LINACS)以及ELEKTA UNITY MR-LINAC,一种放射治疗系统,允许医生在递送治疗辐射期间看到肿瘤运动及其确切的位置。该协议中还包含Elekta的Mosaiq®肿瘤信息系统(OIS)及其摩纳哥®治疗计划系统。

Bs Ajaikumar博士,医疗保健全球企业主席和首席执行官表示:“我们很高兴与Elekta一起携带这种创新伙伴关系。HCG,具有以患者为中心的方法和ELEKTA,是一个专注于肿瘤的公司,不仅在线性加速器提供创新和技术,而且在全球信息学和软件开发中引入创新和技术。我们相信这将为印度和非洲患者带来最好的全球护理标准。我们也很兴奋,成为印度第一个提供使用Elekta的MR-Linac技术的放疗。HCG一直是印度和新兴市场的领导者和一个游戏更换者。这增加了我们的旅程中的另一个里程碑,使所有人都能得到癌症。“188棋牌捕鱼

Gustaf Salford, Acting President and CEO at Elekta, says: “Elekta’s collaboration with HCG presents an enormous opportunity to the millions of people with cancer in India. By investing in the very best technology available, cancer patients can hope to have improved outcomes and quality of life. And as the second largest country in the world by population, we see a tremendous need for all parts of our precision radiation medicine portfolio.”

According to The Global Cancer Observatory, more than 1.15 million new cancer cases were registered in India in 2018[1]。在今天的癌症188棋牌捕鱼患者中,虽然研究表明,使用放射疗法治疗了约25%的全球疗法治疗,但治疗将有益于所有癌症患者的50%。

Elekta India的副总裁兼总经理Manikandan Bala补充说:“我们很高兴与HCG一起发展这种独特的协议。它支持我们努力增加Linacs数量以满足所有国家需求的业务战略之一。在全国各大规模的城市治疗癌症的尖端解决方案的分布将有助于弥合技术访问差距。188棋牌捕鱼通过安装我们最先进的设备,HCG将能够提供癌症患者 - 在印度和它所提供的市场 - 较少和更快的放疗治疗,为每个人节省时间和金钱。188棋牌捕鱼该协作还将包括跨国公司在中东和非洲合作伙伴的知识转移。“


For further information, please contact:
Mattias Thorsson, Head of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs
电话:+46 70 865 8012,电子邮件:Mattias.Thorsson@elekta.com

Tel: +1 770-670-2524, e-mail: raven.canzeri@elekta.com

About Elekta
For almost five decades, Elekta has been a leader in precision radiation medicine. Our more than 4,000 employees worldwide are committed to ensuring everyone in the world with cancer has access to – and benefits from – more precise, personalized radiotherapy treatments. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Elekta is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm Exchange. VisitElekta.com.或在Twitter上关注@elekta。

[1] Bray F,Ferlay J,Soerjomataram I,Siegel RL,Torre La,Jemal A(2018)。全球癌症统计数188棋牌捕鱼据2018年:185个国家的36个癌症全球发病率和死亡率的估计。CA癌188棋牌捕鱼J in Clin。68(6):394-424。

[1] Bray F,Ferlay J,Soerjomataram I,Siegel RL,Torre La,Jemal A(2018)。全球癌症统计数188棋牌捕鱼据2018年:185个国家的36个癌症全球发病率和死亡率的估计。CA癌188棋牌捕鱼J in Clin。68(6):394-424。



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For further information, please contact

Mattias Thorsson,公司通信和公共事务负责人
Tel: +46 70 865 8012,

Raven Canzeri, Global Public Relations Manager, Elekta
Tel: +1 770-670-2524,